2007年3月8日 星期四

wk1: 大學生和研究生有差耶 (part2)

Because of 228 holiday, the undergrad class was actually held a week later than the graduate class. After the first class, I gained tremendous experience with the system. In addition, I sort of knew what to expect better. I knew we would not be able to do too much the first day, especially with a 2-hour class. Moreover, I can tell the dramatic difference in my comfort level the second time around. Not that I was nervous the first time. People said 行萬里路勝讀萬捲書,人生的經驗還是很重要的,紙上談兵有如隔靴搔癢

The most interesting finding (最有趣的事) - 大學生和研究生有差耶. When Viktor and I were still busy trying to get everyone setup, the ones who has already on started to click everything that is clickable and move every windows that are movable. Kids were having fun; I can tell. They were giggling in front of the camera and trying out the different functions of the system. They started waiving at me, not at all shy. Once the sound started to work, they started asking silly questions. I heard in the background: ask the teacher where she is; ask the teacher what time is it over there; ask the teacher do they have 殺人狂 over there; ask the teacher if 德州殺人魔 is true; can I eat my breakfast.....Imagine I was laughing most of the time. So did they.

At the end of class, I asked students to introduce them to me. I thought they already know each other but when it was their turn, all of a sudden this became very funny to them. I suspected the technology novelty effect (新奇), which I predict will go away in a couple of weeks.

Another interesting thing about this group: they are more willing to offer personal information. They told me how old they are, where they are from, that I look like his 伯母, that we have very close birthday (1 week apart, then of course she wondered if she would get a higher grade because of that). I told them if they feel comfortable, they can call me Grace. Then it was a student's turn. She said if I feel comfortable, I can call her 小馬. Everyone laughed!

Most students said this experience has been interesting, pretty cool. I asked them to think about how we can make this an education experience for all. Oh, yea, played tic-tac-toe with the teacher on first day of class? I thought that was cool. Shih, don't tell the department chair. :-)

Some things to think about----
Issue 1:
The biggest challenge this day, which was different from the graduate class, was that not everyone had a computer. Nine students and only 6 laptops (which this problem should be fixed, according to Viktor when he IMed me later) (at one point, we had only 4). As a result, many students simply hid outside of camera. You know, something never change... Students like to think the teachers cannot see them. Now, with the help of technology, they can actually do this. :-) This problem has to be resolved by next week.

Issue 2: There were lots of echos this time. I don't know why but something has to be fixed.

Issue 3: I have asked our 班代(佳珊) to work with the department for equipment setup procedure every Wednesday morning. The office will not be opened until 8 and then equipments need to be setup. I suggested a student rotation where everybody takes turn to setup the stuff. Also, I think I need to figure out ways to utilize 班代 a little more. She can help me.

Issue 4: I did remember to record the Breeze session. However, I think the recording has sync problem. My voice and remote voice cannot sync at all. After listening to it for a while, I think the problem is the recording is based on their timing. As a result, my voice is way off. Very strange. I think if someone who were not there and to listen to this will be very confused.

Issue 5: I cannot match face with names. I basically cannot remember who said what since when they were talking, I cannot really tell which camera they were in. Everyone needs a computer. Definitely.

Issue 6: Classroom management. These undergrads, as cute as they are, are very naught at the same time. I hope as the novelty effect goes off, they will focus more on the content instead of the coolness of the technology. Let's see how many weeks it will take. :-) Any prediction?

Later that day, Viktor and I IMed a little. He told me students have asked him if they can "attend" the class from home. My initial reaction was, great. But Viktor kindly informed me that university has stricter policy against undergraduate students taking online classes. He told me because they misbehave. I wonder. If Taiwan really wants to "catch up with the world", as many students said the reason they took this class, then we have to also think about the way we treat our students.

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