昨晚和 Dr.Bonk 通 email,順便提到,研究所的同學幾乎將第一章翻成中文了。我告訴他我計畫暑假,綜合不同版本的翻譯,製作一個 final version,這樣我以後的學生可以用,他也有了中文的第一章。
btw, you might be interested to know that my Taiwan students have basically translated your blended handbook chapter 1 into Chinese. What I plan to do (maybe after the semester is over in late June) is to consolidate all the translations and proofread them carefully. Then, you will have a Chinese version of it and I can reuse it in later classes... Not word by word translation by all means but the gist of it.
Dr. Bonk 回信說:但是我需要整本書翻譯呢!
ok, but we are looking for someone to translate the entire book. smile!
You have some good students there.