a new beginning
Okay, let's give it a try.
So far, issues are categorized into is 3 things: 1) language 2) culture, and 3) technology.
For language, I don't know how acceptive students are in using primary English materials. In addition, I often cannot find words in Chinese and have to either say it in English, or have to pause while searching for the right words. However, I don't expect this to be a major hurdle.
For culture, I have left Taiwan too long and living in the states too long. My expectation toward students and my teaching style might reflect so. I will need the students to inform me of anything they like, not like, etc. Again, I do not expect this to be a major hurdle, as long as students are open-minded and willing to share and learn with me.
For technology, there are a host of issues. Some I can anticipate, some I cannot. For starter, I found that using a system such as Breeze is not quite a breeze at all. I don't know how many students have used it. Regardless, I suspect they will get use to its multiple windows and find it rather interesting. Me, on the other hand, find this way of interaction rather tiring. Having to pay attention to all the activities at multiple windows require a high level of concentration and eye-mind coordination. I suspect I might get use to it rather quickly. At least I hope so.
I would love to know about students' experience too. Share with me!