Some initial ideas
I am the only instructor and one of the reasons I even got thisopportunity is because the chair could not get any professors to tryteaching online. The chair also wanted this to be an experiment foreveryone. So I might even ask the students to take turns to join theclass online. Otherwise, the expectation is, we will meet onlinesynchronously every week. The week of AERA, I will make itasynchronously of course. We will be using a home-grown platform(assuming something like webct). I might do it from school so I havebetter connection. I have not been given the login to the platform soI have no idea how to use it or its functions. (go figure!)
I have a rough idea of the "big picture" and I am kind of excitedabout it. The Chair wanted some kind of "comparison" between US andTaiwan in terms of IT program. So I am thinking like a 4,5 unit class.
Unit 1 - IT program structure : goals of IT, core requirements (whyand what kind of knowledge/skills will these courses provide), etc. Wewill see some examples and students (work in groups) will proposetheir idea IT program
Unit 2 - IT program implementation: how we teach, online, f2f,blended, team teaching, linked course, portfolio-based assessment,communicate-based collaboration, etc. Students will propose their ideaimplementation combination.
Unit 3 - IT program environment: the computer lab, layout design,hardware, software, staffing, service to students/staff, etc. Studentswill propose their idea lab environment
Unit 4 - IT perspective jobs: using Youmei's office as an example -faculty development, knowledge & skills required, use some real caseand have students propose solutionsThere will be small weekly group assignments leading to presentationfor each unit. Students receive feedback from the entire class.
At theend of the semester, they put everything together and have to presentas if they are presenting at a college recruitment event....I amthinking to ask for reflective journals (blogging). I am also thinkingto have a pbwiki for them to turn in their assignments.
This is for now...