2007年4月1日 星期日

Dr Bonk 覺得他的聲音很有磁性

昨天晚上幾乎做到半夜,終於將Blended Learning Part I 製作好了。雖然已經有經驗,我還是十分驚訝製作過程所花的時間。

  1. 首先,我將兩個files合併,因為錄製的時候出了一點小問題,中間停了一次
  2. 兩個files合併後大約三十分鐘,沒想到file很大,整個computer都slow down
  3. 接下來一邊播放,一邊增加注釋或是剪掉一些太多餘的部分。剪掉多餘的部分的工作十分花時間,但有可能和我對Camtasia不熟悉有關,後來我儘量不剪,保持原味 :-)
  4. 一邊播放的同時,我必須替同學做一個presentation outline,加上時間軸,期望能方便閱讀與提高理解
  5. 以上的過程花了大約兩小時
  6. 下一步,將 Camtasia 檔案 轉成 avi 檔案,我完全使用system default settings,三十分鐘的檔案,有大約150mb,花了大約九十分鐘轉檔
  7. avi file 有了,接下來 upload 到 google video ,這個動作又花了約兩個小時
  8. google video 花了約兩個小時處理(不太清楚處理什麼 processing 了約兩個小時)
  9. 等到處理完畢,video被列入 "live" 這時就可以有url 等 information,可以讓大家知道 video 在那裡
  10. email Dr. Bonk the rul

今天早上check email,收到 Dr. Bonk 的回信:


Wow oh wow…This is great Grace. You are quick. Thanks. Google video—wow—you posted it there. The animations hold! Cool. You can hear a bit of the audio—there must be a way to do that part slightly better next time. My voice actually sounds about the best I have ever heard. Almost like a broadcaster. Normally I hate my stupid Midwestern voice. Let me know when you have Part 2 up. I will forward links to both parts to Youmie, Craig, Tom, and Mimi as well as Ron Owston at York and Charles Graham at BYU. I will also post to my video links to my homepage.

The only problem is I say Plato and Socrates were in ancient Egypt. Smile. The only other problem is the fuzziness of the pics in the slides.

Again thanks for sharing! I talk slow here and still am a bit fast. Wow. Slowing down and speeding up should foster attention.

I do not see many “um’s” and words stuck in. Pretty good speaker without the ums. Still a tad fast. I could yell and scream some more to shake people up.


Dr. Bonk 很滿意,接下來就看同學們的feedback嘍!

等不及的同學,這裡是 sneak preview :-)

我們會有reading (chapter one of the book)

google video of presentation of chapter one http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1022251066564665966&hl=en

presentation outline here http://drmuffin.pbwiki.com/blendedlearningoutline
