2007年3月30日 星期五

elearning trends


其中當然我十分同意trend#3-開放、免費的工具另外#4 & #9講到Peronalized learning, do it yourself learning也值得深思

終身學習如何從口號變成生活的一部分?學習是要靠自己,learn how to learn,學習如何學習最重要

老師的角色是provide pointers 和 support

2007年3月29日 星期四


今天 Dr.Curt Bonk 來到 University of Houston,並利用下午的時間, 為台東大學的同學講演了 Blended Learning 的兩場客座演講, 事前我將這場演講公開,邀請有興趣的人來參加. Dr. Bonk 覺得有 live audience ,講起來比較有勁 , 請大家期待, 等我整理製作好, 大家就可以享用了

順便看一下我們電腦教室的設計, 蠻人性化, 老師可以看到學生的螢幕, 學生可以互相看見彼此的螢幕, 教室也十分寬敞

最後再八卦一下, Dr. Bonk 在 Houston 期間, 剛好是我在 Rice 開會的時間, 朱學恆也來開會, 星期二晚上我帶他們出去, 找了一間 bar 聊天, 照片為證, 不知道朱學恆是誰, 可以 google 一下, 我們show the sign of OOPS, 不過我的 p 反了 :-)

2007年3月28日 星期三

Youtube video award


滿驚訝的,居然我看過其中兩個-okgo & free hugs!

語言障礙 language barriers

我這三天在Rice University開了三天的meeting,心理十分激動,有很多感觸,想和很多人分享,但是卻有一個很現實的障礙--語言。

說起來很矛盾。我因為參與OOPS中文開放課程計畫,幫他們寫了一個grant proposal而得到funding,所以得以前來參加這個grentee meeting。中文開放課程計畫的目的就是要打破語言障礙,將世界一流的教育帶入華人的世界,和大家分享,但是我在這個meeting所得到的東西,全部都是英文,我如何和同學分享呢?


"the top 10 jobs that will be in demand in 2010 did not exist in 2004"

"We are currently preparing students for jobs that don't yet exist"

"using technologies that havent' yet been invented"


Powerful stuff...但是我如何和大家分享呢?

2007年3月26日 星期一


今天看到義斌同學的blog, 提到"兩週不上課,若有所失", 決定給一個extra reading



再來就是英文的問題。為了顧及大家的程度,也不希望給大家太大的打擊,我在英文reading的篩選上變的very limiting。很多好的article, 但是把英文的問題考慮進去後,很多就不適合了。譬如有的提到太多美國本土的一些practice,本來短短的一篇article,為了了解,反而得先去了解一些不是重點的旁支細節,當然沒有必要。我看了很多article, magazine, etc, 發現真的寫的完整、易讀、有結構的其實也不多。但是給美國人讀就沒關係,大家看重點就好,但是台灣的同學可能再還沒看到重點時就已經陣亡了!這讓我在做文章的選擇上,變的困難

但是完全不讀英文也不是辦法,於是我想出製作導讀 video 的方法。當然在製作上就得花時間,如何幫助同學能很快的看到重點,而不要在旁支細節花太多時間查字典。我從來沒有教過如何讀英文,這可是頭一遭,不太容易,也不知如何下手,只能"跟著感覺走"等著聽同學的feedback.


但是話又說回來,online 課也沒有所謂"兩週不上課"這種事,大家都是24x7 online,利用group 互動,將 "課" 的觀念延伸吧!

好,既然有人若有所失,那我已經做好的一個導讀 video 以及 reading, 本來是想可能這學期沒有時間,但是如果有時間,大家不妨多讀一點東西

Reading: Making the Grade: Online Education in the United States, 2006 http://www.sloan-c.org/publications/survey/survey06.asp

導讀Google Video http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6597346712743804993

2007年3月22日 星期四

wk4 (3/22) 倒吃甘蔗

今天實在太特別了,因為我收到了生平第一張whiteboard手繪生日卡。謝謝同學哦!鳳英結束的時候說沒有丟蛋糕好像什麼不太對。還好我"近在眼前但是遠在天邊"哈哈 !Don't you LOVE technology? :-)

第二天我去學校,告訴我的美國朋友,大家都很羨幕呢!其實告訴你們一個事實,即使在美國我周圍的人,大家一天到晚講online education,但是有實戰經驗的人還是有限,能有像我們這樣的live two-way video更是聽都沒聽過,這些老美聽我講我們上課的情形,他們也覺得很有趣呢。


不過"投票"這種民主的互動方式,也有缺點。太民主了,同學就窩裡反。我說你們也可以來美國來看我,不一定要我回去,結果耀德居然提議"投票",還說我一定會輸,老師尊嚴掃地到這種地步,Don't you LOVE technology? :-)


我感到十分欣慰的是,大家的expert interview都聽的很好,大部分重點都有抓到。但是問大家還想不想有其他的interview,投票的結果,2 yes, 2 no, and 3 not sure。說老實話,我準備起來也滿費工夫的,如果效果不好,那何必呢?你說是吧?但是先在這裡先預告一下,我已經準備了一陣子,Dr. Curt Bonk會講兩節(20 minutes each)Blended Learning,我們下禮拜會見面,他已經答應了。另外一位Dr. Youmei Liu,說中文,在學校Distance Learning Center工作,將會有一段十分精采的interview。我和他已經反覆討論多次,將幾個問題已經決定了。另外有一個台灣留學生Jennie,我請他來和大家談談在美國,以外國學生的心情談談修online 課的甘苦。請期待!

我一定要在這裡好好的complain 一下,這個Breeze 紀錄下來的 meeting有人看過嗎?跟本無法看,聲音和影像的delay十分嚴重,比live的時候還嚴重,而且有很多影像不顯示,譬如今天剛開始大家電腦有點問題,時間有一點delay,我就讓大家投票,看我們是繼續上課,還是等大家,結果大家都認為我們應該等大家。我覺得這是一個很有趣的結果,希望把他紀錄下來,所以我去Breeze recorded meeting,可是他就是無法顯示投票結果,只看到一個投票的框框,結果就是不出現,這個Breeze 紀錄的功能十分值得商確,這樣record 半調子,有用嗎?



2007年3月17日 星期六

wk3: 太可愛的一班了 (大學部)

首先謝謝大家好貼心哦!!生日雖然這樣就要過兩次,不過還好並沒有因此增加兩歲 :-) 謝謝大家,甜美的歌聲也有錄影存證哦

今天大家又更進入情況了,很可惜還是有一台機器有問題,幾個人mic 有問題,希望累績經驗,這種technical的問題因該越來越少。 這是一張難得的'全家福"

以前大家好像小孩子去 Disney World 似的,興奮的不得了,坐也坐不住,什麼看到都好玩,也要每一個給他玩玩看,場面處在半失控狀態,今天已經沒有那種"激情"的感覺了。我還怕他們一下子失去那種cool,也同時失去興趣,還特別take a poll...還好大家還是覺得好玩,motivation很重要, 覺得cool, 覺得好玩也是一個motivation, 不希望太快消失,那接下來看我一個人唱獨角戲保證沒看頭。

今天試用了whiteboard, 看來真的可以collaborate,蠻好的, 大家在討論的時候也有發表意見, 很好奇同學們的看法是什麼。今天當然還是繼續用 poll, 上個禮拜, 佩如說 "好像參加電視節目一樣,真好玩" 那我不就是電視節目主持人了嗎 :-)
我解釋每個禮拜要輪流讀同學的blog,留言,並總結, 大家也能看出這個activity的目的

whiteboard activity

戎文上禮拜提到 "我們將會以平時在初四科技的線上討論和部落格為主,畢竟這才是完成這堂課學習的重要關鍵吧" 真是一語中的, 完全講到重點了,也希望其他同學好好從這個角度來思考。所以這個禮拜我要大家研究一下RSS Reader, 讓大家在討論版上分享, 就看同學們有沒有真的作到所謂 "科技工具是教室的延伸" 了

因為明松上禮拜要求 "老師應該拿著視訊讓我們看看外面的情景", 今天課前十分鐘大家還在setup時我就這麼做了, good idea, 很可惜我住的外面沒有什麼看頭, 很抱歉!

下次我們要到四月十八日才會見面, 就看同學們能不能做到 "非及時" 的線上學習嘍

對了, 補充一下, 我很高興大學的同學會去看研究所學長姐的blog, 很好, 越多人看越好, 互相學習, 很有趣的是, 大學的同學覺得學長姐的blog太有深度, 不好讀, 覺得自己的比較溫馨, 其只要能實真的能表達心理的想法都好, 因為全世界只有你能和大家分享你的經驗! 你的經驗一定是獨一無二的!!





如果有的話,那肯定是下意識的 :-)

我用的軟體叫Camtasia, 以前只知道, 從來沒有必要使用, 藉這堂課的機會, 我也來熟悉一下他的功能

其實上一個post 有一個重點,就是我覺得有的時候content provider (e.g.老師) 不必要作沒用的白工, 像google group file sharing 其實用email告訴大家就好了, 沒有必要花50分鐘做一個4分鐘的影片

不過因為只有4分鐘, 我也藉這機會, 來熟悉一下軟體功能


報告完畢 (哈哈,博忠,學你的)

2007年3月16日 星期五

How to use Google Group File Sharing

I made a Google Video this morning on how to use Google Group's File Sharing

This video is only 4 minutes long but took about 50 minutes to produce it.

After finishing it, I now think I could have saved all that time by just sending everyone an email. It will take me 5 minutes to type the email. Maybe this is an example where we should not use advanced technology just becaues we can. 也許這是一個好例子, 不必做不必要的事

20 minutes to think and walk though the steps
4 minutes to record
20 minutes to add callouts - 也許對軟體不了解, 不太會用的結果, callout 要加到時間軸上精準的位置, 還有待研究
6 minutes to upload to google video

其實可以看出, 製作品質還可以提升, 不過我提醒自己, 又不是拍好萊塢電影, 重點有就好了吧?

2007年3月15日 星期四








奇怪, 美國老師因參加學術會議等正當理由無法"親自到校授課"時就把那個禮拜的課改成online就好啦,為什麼還要"辦理請假手續及補課" 那多麻煩? 補課?學生大家都要上班, 誰給你補課?

接下來有兩個禮拜我要去參加學術會議, 正好用這個機會讓同學體驗體驗非同步online的甘苦


有不是說online老師就什麼事都不用做了, 其實要做的事還更多呢

I will see if anyone complains. :-)

2007年3月14日 星期三

wk3: 說太多話了!!! (part1)

怎麼今天都是我在講話? 太糟糕了!!!以後絕對不可以這樣!!!

下週讓他們做presentation, 讓他們有口語表現的機會,並且練習如何在網上視訊的課中做主人


如我所預期的,原來大家對listserv, discussion group的觀念不清楚,還好大家對比較傳統的討論版多半有概念,所以對listserv也應該很快就會上手了

義斌提到我也一直在思考的問題,統整性。覺得理論(web2.0 is distributed)和實際(human like unification)還是有距離,其實所謂web2.o是一個agreegration 的觀念,是distributed的,RSS是其中的一個關鍵,但是如果大家對這些名詞,工具還停留在表面的認知,而沒有成為生活的一部分,那看再多的書,理論也是沒有用的。我自己也在摸索階段,老的習慣很難改。這就像是大家都希望別人的東西開放給我用,但是我的東西不開放。積習難改。所以說我embrace open,但還是選了google,因為他有整合性,reader可以讀rss,blogger可以讀reader的feed,group, reader, blog, email ,一個login.其實我也沒有那麼開放,全都是google!( I don't have google stocks though) 其實如果就用這個什麼wisdom master pro 可能容易一點,至少不會有人每個禮拜問我為什麼。不過下次再教,不會一下子介紹什麼多東西,一個一個來 :-)


義斌: 老師要我們嘗試blog,並體會他的教育用途

至於為什麼要在別人的blog 留言?

義斌: 腦力激盪



義斌原來也是自由軟體的擁護者,耀德、佩貞都提到digital content的問題。偉堯和博忠提到師咨培訓問題,老師的動機在那裡?智元提到人的因素,都很有趣



2007年3月13日 星期二

wk2: 可能比我預期的還快(part2)


這週比上週好很多了, 大家一人一台電腦, 終於有了一張團圓照啦 :-)

我和大家討論了用group discussion的目的, 我想這個禮拜的互動應該就會比較熱絡一些
利用上課時間, 讓每一個人都有了自己的blog - 發現share screen 有時候是個good idea
這個禮拜開始用poll的功能, 就不用每一個人問, 但是大家都能參與, 是個好用的工具

剛開始總是比較手忙腳亂, 下個禮拜會更好


2007年3月12日 星期一

wk2: 人多意見多,但這是好事 (part1)

note: part1 是研究所的課 part2是大學的課

Okay, another interesting week.
Four new students.
Another chaotic week.

But we have to embrace chaos; it is part of the process 混亂是過程的一部分
I don't know if everyone is on the same page 但是我不知道是否大家有共識?

With 4 new students joining in from different locations, situations arose. 狀況很多. Not sure why but there were lots of echos. 義斌 said "現在好像武功高手在對話...隔空傳音又有迴音" You know, a sense of humor always helps. Several times people just suddenly disappeared. Really like 武功高手, 來去自如. However, the truth is, we are really not 來去自如. Easy to disappear, hard to come back.

Based on the experiences from the past 2 weeks, what can we do to help easy some of these distractions?

Several issues were discussed or discovered this week.

Issue 1 English

I realized that English is probably more difficult for students than I originally anticipated. I still think they need to try harder to read English articles but I also think I certainly could do better in picking the article.

For example, I asked them to read elearn Magazine's 2007 prediction about elearning and it did not go as planed. I can see why afterwards. Initially I thought the list has a who-is-who and students can get some name recognition. But it turns out there are just too many terminologies thrown together without any contextual information. It makes sense if they were lost. Need to do a better job of choosing an article.

So the next week I picked K–12 Online Learning: A Survey of U.S. School District Administrators. I even made an intro Google video (導讀,) to help them grasp the big concept better. The article is well written and well organized. I think they will do better this time.

Another thing about English relates to the expert interview. I was pleased that students were willing to give it a try. I will get their feedback next week. However, I already have some ideas as to how I can make this easier for them.

It is difficult to ask people to prepare a ppt just for you. It is easier to ask them to just show up and have a conversation with me. That is what I did with Melissa. She did a wonderful job answering my questions. However, I think it would be much better if they are more prepared. Students only need a few main points and I should iron those out prior to the interviews. This means I might need to get with them and discuss. Georgette suggested that I can cut the interview into shorter clips. I am also thinking to make a video with callouts to help with keywords. I have some ideas but I want to see what the students have to say. I am glad at least 佩貞 and 鳳英 appreciated my hard work. :-)

Issue 2 Connection/Distraction
I think we need to have some policy. This is basic. I should not even need to say it. No cell phone. No phone calls. Need a quit place. 如果台東大學下次再做,肯定需要一些規定的,否的大家太隨性

Issue 3 Student Commitments
My American students say to me: I work full time, have 2 young children at home, and take 18 hours. I do not have time for homework.

My Taiwan students told me the same. Well, almost.

There is only 24 hours in a day. If you choose (選擇) to spend more time on A, you will have less time on B. We make choices in life. There are certain commitments required for each action we take. 請對自己的選擇負責.If you want to take the class, you have to do the work. If you have less time to do the work, you don't learn as much, and your work shows. Period. 一分耕耘,,一分收穫,這還需要我說嗎?不要忘了,我白天也要上班,這兩堂課是我下班時間教的.

Issue 4 Technology difficulty
More than I had expected, sign up issues, etc. I still don't know why. I asked students for feedback and I have not yet to receive any. However, I did learn one lesson. Should introduce one new thing each week instead of all at once. A mistake.

Issue 5 Fluid structure
Since this is the first time teaching something like this, many things are not clear and we just have to make adjustment as we go. I am not if Taiwan students like this very fluid structure, the idea of me learning with and from them. 老師與同學共同學習.I introduced some new tools (wiki, google group, blog) and they might wonder why. I want to find out how we can use them effectively for a class. Since all software are free, after this class, they can continue to use them. Their learning does not have to end once the semester is over. Are these the best tools? Probably not. But the process of figuring out how to best use them is the very skill they will acquire at the end of semester - being a critical user of technology.

Issue 6 Social Construction of Knowledge
Don't I love it when this happened!!! I dont' have all the answers but WE do. :-)

  • example 1: 偉堯 suggested that we should establish an order in talking online. Love it love it love it when students takes the initiative to problem solve an issue.
  • example 2: when we were discussing about the best way to listen to the English expert interviews, both 義斌 and 佩貞 offered help "自己可以透過軟體放慢速度" and "錄音黨可以自行調節播放速度"
  • example 3: 博忠 suggested that students could divide up the reading and discuss it together
  • example 4: 義斌 and 雅琇 offered information about using rss reader to subscribe too all blogs

Issue 7: what does silence mean?

I don't think students are used to using a discussion group at all. I am actually pretty surprised. They pretty much disappeared after class and resurface in the next class. Why do they not answer my questions? Why do they not interact with their classmates online? Isn't this an online class? Or maybe a cellphone call is much easier? I want to know more about their reasons of using or not using certain technology.

Overall, time went by quickly too. I predict, maybe another week, in 4th week, the novelty effect will rub off and students will pay more attention on the actual content. I also think I should start using the Poll tool to encourage interactions.

See you next class!

2007年3月11日 星期日


不小心看到 http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/070311/57/bejo.html 中正大學開設不受時間與地點限制的網路碩士在職專班, 討論區 http://aera.twbbs.org/phpbb2/viewforum.php?f=20

開起來是屬於blended online learning - 主要分為「到校面授」與「網路上課 」, 其中網路上課也分同步與非同步

其實可以研究一下,在台灣或是還有其他網路碩士班的學校,科系等, 做一個報告, 等, 滿有趣的
(你看人家有一個下午的時間, 有專人作網路教學平台使用介紹 )

2007年3月10日 星期六

2007年3月8日 星期四

wk1: 大學生和研究生有差耶 (part2)

Because of 228 holiday, the undergrad class was actually held a week later than the graduate class. After the first class, I gained tremendous experience with the system. In addition, I sort of knew what to expect better. I knew we would not be able to do too much the first day, especially with a 2-hour class. Moreover, I can tell the dramatic difference in my comfort level the second time around. Not that I was nervous the first time. People said 行萬里路勝讀萬捲書,人生的經驗還是很重要的,紙上談兵有如隔靴搔癢

The most interesting finding (最有趣的事) - 大學生和研究生有差耶. When Viktor and I were still busy trying to get everyone setup, the ones who has already on started to click everything that is clickable and move every windows that are movable. Kids were having fun; I can tell. They were giggling in front of the camera and trying out the different functions of the system. They started waiving at me, not at all shy. Once the sound started to work, they started asking silly questions. I heard in the background: ask the teacher where she is; ask the teacher what time is it over there; ask the teacher do they have 殺人狂 over there; ask the teacher if 德州殺人魔 is true; can I eat my breakfast.....Imagine I was laughing most of the time. So did they.

At the end of class, I asked students to introduce them to me. I thought they already know each other but when it was their turn, all of a sudden this became very funny to them. I suspected the technology novelty effect (新奇), which I predict will go away in a couple of weeks.

Another interesting thing about this group: they are more willing to offer personal information. They told me how old they are, where they are from, that I look like his 伯母, that we have very close birthday (1 week apart, then of course she wondered if she would get a higher grade because of that). I told them if they feel comfortable, they can call me Grace. Then it was a student's turn. She said if I feel comfortable, I can call her 小馬. Everyone laughed!

Most students said this experience has been interesting, pretty cool. I asked them to think about how we can make this an education experience for all. Oh, yea, played tic-tac-toe with the teacher on first day of class? I thought that was cool. Shih, don't tell the department chair. :-)

Some things to think about----
Issue 1:
The biggest challenge this day, which was different from the graduate class, was that not everyone had a computer. Nine students and only 6 laptops (which this problem should be fixed, according to Viktor when he IMed me later) (at one point, we had only 4). As a result, many students simply hid outside of camera. You know, something never change... Students like to think the teachers cannot see them. Now, with the help of technology, they can actually do this. :-) This problem has to be resolved by next week.

Issue 2: There were lots of echos this time. I don't know why but something has to be fixed.

Issue 3: I have asked our 班代(佳珊) to work with the department for equipment setup procedure every Wednesday morning. The office will not be opened until 8 and then equipments need to be setup. I suggested a student rotation where everybody takes turn to setup the stuff. Also, I think I need to figure out ways to utilize 班代 a little more. She can help me.

Issue 4: I did remember to record the Breeze session. However, I think the recording has sync problem. My voice and remote voice cannot sync at all. After listening to it for a while, I think the problem is the recording is based on their timing. As a result, my voice is way off. Very strange. I think if someone who were not there and to listen to this will be very confused.

Issue 5: I cannot match face with names. I basically cannot remember who said what since when they were talking, I cannot really tell which camera they were in. Everyone needs a computer. Definitely.

Issue 6: Classroom management. These undergrads, as cute as they are, are very naught at the same time. I hope as the novelty effect goes off, they will focus more on the content instead of the coolness of the technology. Let's see how many weeks it will take. :-) Any prediction?

Later that day, Viktor and I IMed a little. He told me students have asked him if they can "attend" the class from home. My initial reaction was, great. But Viktor kindly informed me that university has stricter policy against undergraduate students taking online classes. He told me because they misbehave. I wonder. If Taiwan really wants to "catch up with the world", as many students said the reason they took this class, then we have to also think about the way we treat our students.

rss readers

我的第一個rss reader是Sharp Reader,滿好用的,需另外下載軟體

然後我試過 blogline,web-based,真的是anywhere anytime,學校,家裡的電腦,隨時可讀

現在已經被google同化太深,他的google reader也滿好用的,也是anywhere, anytime,跟著我到處跑

yahoo, msn 等也有類似的功能,試試看吧

2007年3月5日 星期一

fail attempts

tried several things this weekend, none successful

  • the free CamStudio was a great news to me. I thought it was cool, going to solve all my problems. After spending several hours figuring out how to use it, I finally realized it is free for a reason: the audio and video do not sync... After trying to adjust a setting for several hours, I have decided to give this one up. Need to either find another free software, or purchase Camtasia.
  • ppt does have built-in function to record sound to each slide. However, annotate each individual slides are actually more time consuming than I realized, even though it can be done within ppt. But if I can show ppt, go to website, read a document, etc and talking at the same time, it will reduce my course preparation time dramatically.
  • in addition, this annotated ppt does not play the sound when uploaded to Breeze. Not sure what I did wrong. Either I did something wrong, or Breeze does not support this kind of sound. still trying to figure out the best way to deliver a pre-recorded lecture.
  • tried to use Wisdom to create a poll. Curt has agreed to give students a lecture about 10 key areas in elearning. But he said he cannot cover all 10 in 20 minutes. So I thought I would let students vote for what they want to know. The system keeps telling me some invalid characters were used in the description. What invalid character? So I eventually created one at surveymoney.com
  • tried to navigate to a google video site but the student side cannot hear anything even though they can see the screen. still trying to figure out how to do this - may not be video, audio files too. How do I share them with the students? I tried shared desktop and it did not work. I can do weblink pod, I guess but then the students have control of the web page.
  • I cannot connect to Widsom for 2 days, wondered why.

However, I was able to test the system a little more with my mom.. Oh, yes, if my mom can use the system, we all can.
